Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Takin' It to the Streets!!!

If you have been watching the media closely in recent weeks, you’ve probably become aware of “Occupy Wall Street”. These protesters began marching and picketing in lower Manhattan to voice their displeasure at the greed of financial institutions in the 2008 economic collapse. This protest has expanded to other cities in the U.S. while gaining strength by displaying anger at housing policies, education loans and, most recently, unemployment. The frustration is growing, witnessed by the number of participants. The point is that organized demonstration through assembly of concerned citizens is the strongest form of getting your message to the people. Facebook Group “What Fairmont Needs Is. . .”, think about it!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Social Media and the Consumer

I have been spending a lot of time recently exploring articles related to social media and its connection to small business and the consumer, often referred to as B2C.  Let’s face the fact that social media is here to stay! It’s a powerful tool in reaching large groups of people quickly, easily and inexpensively. Here’s one such story.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What Fairmont Needs Facebook Group

Over the last few months I have been monitoring a Facebook Group called “What Fairmont Needs . . .”.  It represents a collection of members who want to see Fairmont WV regain its economic position as a vital component in the West Virginia landscape.  They post ideas of what they believe would be important to Fairmont such as businesses to revitalize a distressed downtown.  Many members have taken on the task of “cold” contacting restaurant chains, department stores, gas stations, etc. with the hope that those establishments while come to the area. I’ll keep following their progress!