Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Volcano Island Resort . . . was there really a Plan?

Sorry, haven't posted in awhile!

Most Fairmonters are now familiar with the once-proposed, now-defunct Volcano Island Indoor Water Park Resort and Conference Center planned for the old Sharon Steel / Fairmont Coke Works site.

Follow me on this one. What if there never was a plan for the Volcano Island Resort? Or should I say there may have been a Plan, just never the intent to really build the Resort. Furthermore, what if the “real” intent was to obtain a permit allowing them to extract and sell over 40,000 tons on remaining coal without the necessary Dept. of Environmental Protection approval and associated “red tape” and, in the end, close the permit and walk away? Sound farfetched? You say that could never happen? You say we are “too smart” for something like that to happen? Nobody would ever do that to us, would they? Just askin'!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WVU to the Big 12, but it should have been better?

Yes, by now, you've probably heard that the WVU Mountaineers have been offered an invitation to join the Big 12 Conference and leave the beleaguered Big East. I won't discuss the ups and downs of arriving at the final decision, but I will point out two articles I read which document the refusal of two more prestigious conferences to offer similiar proposals. Those two conferences are the ACC and SEC and the reason for their position on ignoring WVU as a potential member of their respective conferences was academic ranking. Yes, academics!!

The articles referenced the U.S. News and World Reports' National University Rankings 2012 in which West Virginia University ranked #164 out of 200 national universities. 164 . . . that's impossible. I thought!!

Being the ultimate skeptic, I had to check it out! And much to my surprise and disgust, the facts cited were accurate . . . 164 ranking!

So for those fans, alumni and current students that are "giddy" about joining the Big 12, consider more that your University ranks #164. I know I'm appalled!!


Facebook Group "Create WV" posted two thought-proking questions recently.  Both deal with the subject of innovation as it relates to the economy and the future.  The questions are:
1) Cultures can and do change over time. What antecedents are needed to spark positive cultural and economic change in WV?
2) Why do biz and govt leaders, chamber of commerce groups, etc. talk almost exclusively about attracting biz, and not fostering innovation?

On the first question, it begins with a state of mind, a "can do attitude", not a "can't do attitude". If you don't see yourself as a Silicon Valley, then you'll never be one! That culture change may take generations to fully take effect. I believe that it must begin in the education system, as early as the elementary grade level. Advance that philosophy through the secondary school system and you have developed the framework for change and innovation.

On the second issue, the listed organizations are fundamentally ill-equipped to foster innovation because they lack the understanding and skills required to develop the appropriate nurturing environment. So, as a result of this deficency, they continue the old, outdated policies of growing the future through business relocation. 

How do we overcome these headwinds?  Seems insurmountable, doesn't it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Takin' It to the Streets!!!

If you have been watching the media closely in recent weeks, you’ve probably become aware of “Occupy Wall Street”. These protesters began marching and picketing in lower Manhattan to voice their displeasure at the greed of financial institutions in the 2008 economic collapse. This protest has expanded to other cities in the U.S. while gaining strength by displaying anger at housing policies, education loans and, most recently, unemployment. The frustration is growing, witnessed by the number of participants. The point is that organized demonstration through assembly of concerned citizens is the strongest form of getting your message to the people. Facebook Group “What Fairmont Needs Is. . .”, think about it!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Social Media and the Consumer

I have been spending a lot of time recently exploring articles related to social media and its connection to small business and the consumer, often referred to as B2C.  Let’s face the fact that social media is here to stay! It’s a powerful tool in reaching large groups of people quickly, easily and inexpensively. Here’s one such story.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011